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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Funding opportunity: BHF Consultant Research Award

Please find details of the next call for the BHF Consultant Research Award. Please feel free to circulate this call to colleagues who you think might be suitable for this. 


These awards provide protected time to NHS consultants to undertake substantial cardiovascular research activities in addition to their clinical roles. They are intended to support consultants spending between 20% and 50% of their time over a period of 2-5 years in research, but are flexible in both duration and percentage of time given over.

Applicants must be substantive NHS consultants, usually with a PhD/MD and a previous record in carrying out high quality academic cardiovascular research. 

For further details about programme, please click on the link above.  Anyone interested please contact your Institute Research Manager of the Faculty Research Manager

FMD Research Management Team



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