The Wellcome Discovery Awards call is open now.
This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
QMUL academics can be a lead applicant on two Discovery Awards, one as sole applicant and one as lead applicant for a team, or both as a lead applicant for a team. Academics can also be a co-applicant on up two other Wellcome awards. Current holders of Investigator Awards and Senior Research Fellowships cannot be a sole applicant for a Discovery Award. They may be the lead applicant for a team on a Discovery Award and a co-applicant on up to two other Discovery Awards or Collaborative Awards. Researchers cannot be a co-applicant on more than two Discovery Awards.
FMD will carry out an internal demand management process as per details below.
FMD Process:
Please find documents attached below:
FMD Research Management Team