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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

GCH Research Seminar: 13 Dec at 12pm, Spikey and MS Teams (Dr Pradeepa Madapura)

Please join the seminar presentation through this invite or MS Teams calendar and make sure your camera is switched off and microphone muted when you join.


“Histone acetylation mediated regulation of transposable elements”
Dr Pradeepa Madapura Marulasiddappa, Reader in Genome Biology
Date: Wednesday 13 December 2023
Time: 12.00-1.00pm
Mixed-Mode: in Spikey and MS Teams - Staff and students welcome 

Microsoft Teams meeting
Click here to join the meeting 
Meeting ID: 361 256 537 915 
Passcode: pzhEg9 



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