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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Genes & Health: a British-Bangladeshi and -Pakistani cohort for your research

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Date: Monday 14 October, 11.30am

Venue: Rotblat Lecture Theatre, Charterhouse Square campus


Date: Tuesday 15 October, 12.30pm

Venue: Milton Lecture Theatre, Garrod Building, Whitechapel campus


Speakers: David van Heel and Sarah Finer (Co-Leads, Genes & Health)


A talk (40 minutes) followed by Q&A (20 minutes)

Genes & Health is a large scale, long-term community-based health research study of (British-) Bangladeshi- and Pakistani-origin volunteers with genetics, NHS health records, and volunteer recall for further medical research studies. These ethnicities are mostly missing from many clinical trials and cohorts.

In 2024, Genes & Health recruited its 60,000th volunteer. Available datasets on all volunteers include: GSA chip genotyping and TOPMed-r3 imputation; high depth exome sequencing; multisource NHS health record linkage (including primary care, secondary care including pathology and radiology, and national NHS Digital datasets).

In 2024, through recall studies we have or are performing single cell RNAseq, proteomics (Seer, Somalogic, OLINK) and metabolomics (Metabolon) on ~2,000 volunteers.

Genes & Health has many high-profile scientific publications.

We actively invite our local QMUL researchers to use the resource and through health research bring benefit to our South Asian communities.



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