There was an incident in the Faulty of Medicine and Dentistry (FMD) which resulted in a needle stick injury.
This incident was investigated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). As part of the investigation, it was discovered that the risk assessments (RA’s) related to the work being performed were not signed by the injured party. Additionally, the individual was not up-to-date with relevant health and safety training.
Following the investigation of the incident the HSE suggested the following actions points:
Action 1: Risk assessments (RA’s)All RA’s must be up-to-date, easily accessible, read, understood and signed by all that work under them.The Centre leads and group leads (authors of RA’s) are responsible for cascading this information. The authors of the RA’s are responsible for it being shared, read and signed by lab users.Going forward the Health and Safety team will be conducting spot checks of risk assessments and asking for them.Further information on RA’s can be found on the HSD link
Action 2: Health and Safety training recordsEach Centre/group needs to have a record of the Health and Safety training courses for their staff including whether they have completed training, and the dates the courses were completed.
Below is an example table that can use to record these details:
ID card number
Course ID
Date course completed
Course renewal date
Associated Risk Assessment(s) details
Additional notes
Joe bloggs
Post doc
Working safely with biological hazards
training validity expires (4 years)
Further details on training courses can be found on the below HSD link
Best wishes,
The Lab Management team