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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Immigration information for Schools and Institutes

Dear Student Support colleagues,

Happy New Year to those I haven’t spoken to yet. I wanted to share some immigration information/updates with you.


We have 2 blog posts relating to re-assessments and immigration permission:

You may share these posts with students, they contain links to detailed guidance about the Student visa and Graduate visa application process.

In ACS, we need to know a student’s academic options before we can advise on the immigration implications. For example where a student doesn’t know when their resit is, we would be referring them back to their School/Institute to find out before we can advise on immigration requirements for the resit, or where a student is waiting for an outcome on an academic misconduct case, we can’t advise on immigration options and implications until we know what the outcome is.

In the next week, there will be occasions we need to contact a School/Institute to ask if an award can be confirmed quickly through a Chair’s Action, so that a student does not lose eligibility for the Graduate Route. We understand that this might not always be possible, but if you could let us know one way or the other, it would be helpful.  

Finally, we are planning a series of mini briefings for Schools/Institutes about the Graduate Route. We’ll be in touch soon to find suitable dates.

Rachel Hacking
Senior International Student Adviser



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