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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

IMPORTANT: -80 Freezer monitoring & breakdown procedures Easter 2023

We are now approaching the Easter closure period. 


Please find attached a copy of our freezer breakdown SOP for your reference together with the general guide for the CAM+/Checkit Website (Connected Automated Monitoring).  Keep these documents in a safe place so that you may refer to them if you are called out in relation to your freezers.

You can monitor your freezer at any time by logging onto CAM+ using the link and login below.  Current details of the emergency back-up freezers are shown in the table.

Username: Blizard

Password:  blizard123

freezer table
freezer table

*Two additional (unmonitored) back-up -20 freezers by the Delivery bay open plan 11E and ABH17 opposite Mushroom computers

I have also attached a current list of responders on Tutela/CAM+ system together with the freezer system numbers:

Please check that your details are correct, that all responders on your list are still currently working at the Blizard and that they have out of hours (24/7) access.

If you wish to make any changes then please email me by end of day on Tuesday 4 April and we will then authorise these changes in time for the Easter break

Please contact me at or any of the lab management team with any queries or concerns.

Catherine Chronnell
Senior Institute Technician



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