FAO: Student-facing staff - please pass on to your students
We know that exams can be a stressful time, so we want to support you to succeed. Here we provide you with some helpful resources on exam ‘dos and don’ts’ so that all you need to focus on is your revision.
Our Academic Integrity module on QMplus is the best place to start! Check your module or course handbook, particularly for guidance on the right way to use quotes and citations. Also, please visit our new exam hub for tips, guidance and support to help you succeed in your exams.
Support is available if you’re worried about exams, and please talk to your Advisor if you have any questions or concerns.
The Students' Union is also running its Study Well campaign designed to help you look after yourself during the exam season. There are lots of activities and events on offer including petting zoos, plant giveaways, wellbeing walks and free sport - all to help you take a break. Plus, there's additional advice, support and ideas to help you avoid exam burnout.
Some common ‘dos and don’ts’ to be aware of:
The main point to take away is that any work you submit should be your own, in your own words, and referenced where necessary.
Graduate Route visa (post-study work)
If you don’t successfully complete your course on time, for example because of a case of misconduct, you may lose eligibility to apply for the Graduate Route visa. Therefore, it’s essential to take a few minutes to understand the ‘dos and don’ts’ of coursework and exams here at Queen Mary, and seek support where needed. Full details about eligibility for Graduate Route visas are available on the Advice and Counselling website.
We wish you all the best in your exams!
Chris ShelleyDirector of Student ExperienceQueen Mary University of London
Jojo CroftVice President WelfareQueen Mary Students’ Union