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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Important Notice - Access to Blizard

Lab Management have had multiple instances in recent weeks of tailgaters, patients, and clinical members of staff gaining (or attempting to gain) access to the Blizard without an active card.


They have either followed somebody in, been let in by somebody else and cannot get out, got trapped inside the building, or stopped by Daniel on security; in one instance the clinician was trapped in the atrium with the person they were showing around.

Please can we ask the following:

  • All staff, students, clinicians who require access to Blizard/Abernethy have relevant inductions, either office only, and/or office and labs
  • Centre Admins can conduct office only inductions and need to send copies of the form to lab management so they can be added to the database
  • Access cards should be collected from Lab Management on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays between 9-11am only
  • Security will only activate cards for maximum 3ys after which they expire and need reactivating
  • Please contact lab management in advance if card is about to expire or student contract has been extended
  • Visitors, students/staff and contractors who are here for one-off meetings are signed in at reception and let out of the building again by the person they are here to see

We appreciate your help in keeping everyone in the Institute safe and secure.

The Lab Management Team



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