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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Important Tissue Processor updates

Following on from last weeks update (found below), there is a further update  on changes to the tissue processing facility.


The tissue processor in LG23, processes samples once a week on a Tuesday at 3pm. Each sample cassette submitted for processing incurs a £1.50 charge.

There is a minimum limit of 10 cassette submissions per week for processing. If there are less than 10 cassettes submitted, a charge will still apply for a maximum of 10 cassettes

E.G. If Joe Bloggs submits 7 samples, he will be charged £15 (10 x £1.50).

Please complete the attached form with sample submissions and email to lab management, Samples left in LG23 but not emailed using the form will not be processed.

These changes apply with immediate effect. Please complete the 

Best wishes, 
Lab Management
From: [Shared] Blizard Lab Man
Sent: 05 January 2024 12:19 PM
To: blizard-lab-staff <>
Subject: Important Tissue Processor update 
The tissue processor located in LG23 will only be run once a week on a Tuesdays at 3pm. 

Please continue to email lab management when you have samples to process and include how many samples you have. Ensure your samples are left prior to 3pm on Tuesdays for processing in LG23.

If you have a large volume of samples to process speak with the lab management team in advance to arrange additional runs.  

Best wishes, 
Lab Management 



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