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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Industry Call for Opportunities: In vivo Direct Reprogramming focused Collaboration with Astellas Pharma

I'm writing to you regarding an industry call we're running at IN-PART Discover, on behalf of our client, Astellas Pharma. 


They are seeking opportunities for collaboration within academic research, and biopharma companies and assets, that involve the use of in vivo direct reprogramming to achieve cell conversion/ transdifferentiation from one cell type to another functional type. 

Their goal is to discover therapeutic interventions that cure degenerative diseases for which treatments are limited, e.g. by directly reprogramming endogenous cells within the body to regenerate cells lost in disease. 

Further details, including the approaches and stages of development our client is most interested in, can be found attached, as well as via the link below.

Astellas Pharma is open to a range of collaboration scenarios, with the most appropriate path determined by the needs of the opportunity. Example outcomes include licensing, investment and ongoing collaboration opportunity.

From our in-house research we identified you and your department as a good potential fit for this campaign. If you think there would be good scope for collaboration, we would like to invite you to create a submission to this call via the link above. I would also greatly appreciate it if you could circulate this email to any relevant colleagues in the instance that this campaign is not of interest to you.

To submit, applicants are encouraged to fill in this application form, but as a minimum all that we require is a ~300-word, non-confidential summary regarding your submission (such as a project or technology that you have developed), along with any supporting documents (e.g. relevant publications, patent information, etc.). We would then pass your submission along to our client to review, and would introduce you to our contacts there should they be interested in learning more about your submission. 

To help our team manage responses from academia, it would be very helpful if you could let me know whether you are interested in this opportunity. If you have any questions or requests, please reach out and I'll be more than happy to help or set up a call as appropriate.

Callum Turner
Discover Liaison Manager; Data Consultant
Tel: (+44) 114 360 9080
Parkhead house, Third Floor, Carver St, Sheffield



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