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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Installation of sensors for NWOW

Work to install the XY Sensors for Space Planning will begin on Monday 8 January. 


The work will take place out of hours between 5.30pm and around 2.30am to minimise disruption to the office areas.

The purpose of this project is to deliver insights to the Strategic Space Management Team about how desks, meeting rooms and open spaces are being utilised so that they can help us to make data-driven planning decisions about the office space in the building. This includes information such as peak days, times, areas and average capacity for desks and meetings rooms, which spaces are highly used, alerts for overcapacity, and whether demand is exceeding supply of spaces. 

Please note that the sensors do not collect or store personally identifiable information. The anonymous data is shared with the team via the XY Sense Insights Platform. You can find more information including a video on the technology in the attached document:


  • From Monday 8 January, work will start with the installation of cabling and hubs on the ground floor and first floor, and the fitting of sensors to the ground floor ceilings.
  • From Monday 15 January, stands and sensors will be installed on the first floor. Due to the high ceilings, these need to be attached to the overhead lockers rather than from the ceiling.

Action: Please ensure that any overhead locker that will have a stand mounted on it is emptied by Monday 15 January. This includes both sides of the lockers if a square is positioned over two lockers.

Please find a diagram below of where sensors will be installed on each floor.

If you have any questions about the installation or the project in general, please contact me at

Rachael Parker
Interim Institute Manager



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