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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Interim arrangements for Faculty Director of Operations FMD

You will be aware that Dr Rob Bennett, Faculty Director of Operations (FDO) is leaving us in mid-April to take up the role of Chief Operating Officer at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.


Rob has been a tremendous FDO and we will miss his immense knowledge and skill. After more than 14 years with us he will become Chief Operating Officer at the Guildhall School of Music and I know everyone will wish him well in his new role.

I am writing to confirm interim arrangements until we start recruiting for a permanent replacement later in the summer. Dr Francesca Gliubich, who many of you know from her previous role in the Faculty has rejoined us as the Deputy Faculty Director of Operations. Francesca has kindly agreed to take on the FDO role in an interim capacity. We anticipate this will be for a 6 month period from April to October 2023. I am sure you will actively support Francesca as she takes up her interim role. Myself, Mark and Jo will ensure we provide necessary support during these interim arrangements.

Francesca will take on the full duties of the FDO, bar the following where we are making alternative arrangements (Home Office Licence Holder for the BSU and Human Tissue Authority Corporate Licence Holder). 

I am keen to enable career development opportunities, so will be opening shortly an expression of interest process for people to move into the Deputy FDO role on an interim basis. I encourage colleagues consider this opportunity to learn new skills and develop your wider leadership and management experience.

Dr Sharon Ellis
Chief Operations Officer



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