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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Introduction to the News Media - UCL Institute of Child Health, 1-5pm, 20 Sept 2023

We would like to invite your scientists and engineers to our next Introduction to the News Media session


On Wednesday 20 September 2023 at the UCL Institute of Child Health from 1pm to 5pm with drinks afterwards.  It’s a free session but it’s in-person only (we realise that makes it harder for people further away from London, please note there will be future sessions on Zoom).

Are you interested in how the media works?  Do you get frustrated by what you read and see in the news?  Do you want to help journalists report your subject better?  If so, this is the event for you.  Science has never been as prominent in the news as it is today and it is paramount that the issues are communicated correctly. We have some excellent specialist journalists in the UK, but the news stories will never be covered as accurately as we want them to be without the direct involvement of the experts themselves. 

This session is specifically geared towards research scientists and engineers with little or no media experience and we welcome those at any stage of their career in academia or industry.

It is particularly relevant to those who work in newsworthy or controversial areas, e.g. genome editing, climate change, mental health, animal research, infectious disease, diet etc.  Ask us if you're not sure.

Attendees will hear from media-savvy scientists, science journalists and press officers about the realities of the news media.  Topics include:

  •     why scientists and journalists should engage with each other
  •     common aims – and tensions - between science and the media
  •     how to help ensure your subject is accurately covered in the news
  •     what journalists need from scientists and how to get involved
  •     working with the Science Media Centre

Please circulate this email among your scientists and engineers!  Anyone wishing to attend should register interest at  We will then email you to confirm your place.  More information can be found on our Introduction to the News Media page and if you have any questions please email

Please note this is NOT conventional media training.  Instead, it will help you understand the news media better and work with journalists in future.  Places are limited so please only attend if you have the date in your diary and have not been to one of these before.

Tom Sheldon
Senior Press Manager

Science Media Centre
183 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE

Tel: 020 7611 8366



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