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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Invitation to WISE@QMUL's first postgraduate seminar this year

On ‘Tackling sexual harassment and misconduct in academia’ on Thursday 15 February 2024 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.


The meeting will be held as a hybrid event, so you can join either via Teams (please see link below), or in person at the David Sizer lecture theatre in Bancroft building on the Mile End campus
The seminar will cover how to identify misconduct, tackle some myths about sexual harassment, and explain the process of reporting harassment at QMUL. There will be room to ask questions both at the seminar and one-on-one afterwards.
Our speaker, Ana Flores Reis, is the Sexual Assault and Harassment Advisor at QMUL. She has over ten years of experience advocating and supporting people who have survived abuse. At QMUL she acts as the first point of contact for victims, offering practical and emotional support, whilst providing training for staff and students.
There will be tea and biscuits, and time for debriefing/networking after the seminar! 

MS Teams Meeting
Meeting ID: 394 726 911 743
Passcode: jfs9rB
We look forward to meeting you.
Sophia Lunetto



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