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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Invited Lecturer - Maura Corsetti - Monday 4 December, 1pm - Wingate Institute

The Wingate Institute lecture with Maura Corsetti now has an online attendance option. Please see meeting link below and lecture details shared previously.


Invited Lecturer:  Maura Corsetti, Associate Professor in Gastroenterology
NIHR Nottingham Digestive Diseases Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)

Talk title: The treatment of chronic constipation: has the study of pathophysiology and mechanism of drugs improved clinical practice

Date: Monday 4 December 2023, 1pm, Lunch at 12.30pm

Venue:  The Wingate Institute, 26 Ashfield Street, London E1 2AJ

Microsoft Teams meeting
Meeting ID: 312 390 132 524 
Passcode: JAxWgc 
Maura received her residency (2000) and PhD (2004) in Italy, where she worked for eight years as a reference consultant for functional bowel disorders at one of the most important university hospitals in Milan, San Raffaele University Hospital. She then moved to Belgium, where she also spent part of her PhD, to work in Prof. Jan Tack's laboratory as Senior Research Supervisor (2012-2016).

In 2016, she was appointed Associate Professor of Gastroenterology with Honorary Contract as Consultant Gastroenterologist at NHS. Maura directs the Neurogastroenterology Unit and the GI Motility lab and is a referring consultant for functional disorders of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract at the Nottingham Digestive Diseases BRC.

She has devoted her professional career to the study of the role of gastro-intestinal (GI) motility in the pathophysiology of symptoms of functional disorders, becoming an internationally recognized expert in GI motility.

She is a member of the Rome Foundation Board of Directors, Co-Chair of the Rome V Committee on Functional Bowel Disorders, and Editor-in-Chief of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (official journal of the European and American Association of Neurogastroenterology and Motility). She is chair of the BSG Neurogastroenterology Committee and ESNM representative to the Scientific Committee and Postgraduate Teaching Course at UEG. 

Please respond back to Samantha Pimm ( if you are able/not able to attend for catering purposes.



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