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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

IONA Study now recruiting people in London with asthma

The IONA Study, investigating the impact of nonexhaust emissions (dust from car tires/brakes and roads) on asthma, is looking for participants.


As sales of electric and hybrid vehicles continue to rise, we want to understand how this shift in transportation may affect those with asthma.

If you, or someone you know has been diagnosed with mild/moderate Asthma, is able to cycle gently for 6 x 15 minute in a single session, lives in London, does not smoke or vape, and is available on weekdays between 10am-2pm, please consider joining the trial as a participant. There is a £200 reimbursement to cover costs and travel.

The study is being led by Dr James Scales and Professor Chris Griffiths in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Queen Mary University of London. Details below. Please do circulate widely if you have suitable email lists or twitter accounts.

Contact James Scales if you have questions or would like to join.



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