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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Issues regarding the parking area between Queen Mary BioEnterprises Innovation Centre and the Abernethy Building

Please note issues flagged by Security

  • Too many cars parked inside, blocking others
  • Tailgating cars
  • Allowing parking without Security's knowledge or authorisation
  • Old furniture, wooden pallets and old equipment left for an extended time
  • Lack of contact details displayed on the dashboard 

Parking operates on a first come first served basis.

It is accessible only for service engineers, deliveries and sometimes contractors, during core hours, 8am to 5pm.

No member of staff is allowed to park there during those hours. 

All parking should be requested by Queen Mary staff via email to Security ( with the following details:

  • Name of the driver and company
  • Model of the vehicle and registration number
  • Date and time of attendance, duration of stay if possible
  • Contact details in case the vehicle needs to be moved

When we reach the limit of six vehicles in total, access may be refused based on Health and Safety issues, and drivers advised to find alternative parking elsewhere, or return later.

Vehicles arriving at the gate without a booking will be advised to find alternative parking. 

Here are a few examples of services which must have access granted to the car park area, on top of the parking requests: 

  • BOC gases
  • Clinical waste collection
  • Lab coats collection
  • Access to the substation
  • Catering deliveries to The Nucleus
  • Post Room deliveries and collections
  • Waste collection

Please remember that parking space is not guaranteed even if it has been booked and can be refused.

It is subject to the above conditions.

To avoid confusion, please make sure all drivers are aware of the above conditions.



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