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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Join an upcoming workshop on best practice for sex-inclusive research

You are invited to take part in this workshop suitable for pre-clinical (PhD Student to Professor) researchers with an interest in learning how to incorporate biological sex as an experimental variable. 


Date: Wed, 14 February 2024
Time: 1-5pm
Location: Derek Willoughby LT, John Vane Science Centre 
Registration: Eventbrite

During the training we will be looking to explore both the misconceptions and practical blockers to sex inclusive research. We will explore what sex and gender inclusive research is and when sex and gender should be considered. We will discuss the drivers behind the changing landscape on sex inclusive research. We will then consider the blockers to sex inclusive research and finally we will explore how to analyse and power experiments with both sexes.

This will be an interactive workshop with the host (Amrita Ahluwalia) and leads (Naatsha Karp & Benjamin Philips) speaking briefly and the rest of the time allocation devoted to an interactive session. This will include an interactive section where in small groups attendees apply the knowledge gained in scenario exploration where a design question is posed and the researchers suggest the solution.




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