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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Join our upcoming Digital Education events

See below for upcoming seminars and workshops in June


Seminars with Professor Liz Johnson and Anita Jones

Date & time: Tuesday 13 June, 2-4pm 
Location: Room 201, Graduate Centre, Mile End
Registration: Eventbrite

2-3pm Rethinking higher education for a digital world with Professor Liz Johnson

Professor Liz Johnson is Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic at Deakin University where she leads the university's ambitious Education and Employability strategy, including the drive to premium digital learning and student experience. 

Professor Johnson steered teaching and learning at Deakin through the COVID pandemic, building from extensive projects on Deakin’s online learning environment, teaching and course innovation and staff capability. During this period, she sponsored restructure of Deakin’s professional services for students and Faculties, renewal of teaching and learning design and transition to online assessment.

3-4pm Designing Change: Design Thinking approaches to professional development in Learning and Teaching with Anita Jones

Anita will talk about the Design Thinking approach USC used to manage change and reskill staff during their LMS/VLE migration and how that approach can be applied to other professional development such as Universal Design for Learning and the implementation of Microcredentials.

Anita works within the Centre for the Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. She recently held the role of Implementation Manager for the University's successful transition from Blackboard to Canvas and is now the Project Manager for the implementation of Microcredentials.

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Teaching in the Age of AI    

Date & time: Wednesday 17 June, 10-11.30am 
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration: Link

Join Dr Jo Elliott (FMD Digital Education Studio) and Dr Emily Salines (QM Academy) on Wednesday 17 May for an interactive workshop on 'Teaching in the Age of AI'.

In the workshop we will explore what the rise of generative AI and large language models, like ChatGPT, mean for our teaching and our students' learning. We will discuss what authentic and meaningful AI use might look like for your students and how you can help them develop the skills they will need to use AI effectively and ethically. We will also look at how we can take advantage of the learning opportunities offered by AI and protect against the inappropriate use of AI, in the design of assessments and other learning activities.

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