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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Jürgen Groet appointed Blizard Director of Education from 1 January 2024

I am pleased to announce that Jürgen Groet will be taking over as Director of Education. He will be starting the handover process with Kristin from now and will officially take over the role from 1 January 2024.


I’m looking forward to working with Jürgen; he has so much experience from his Deputy Director role.
Commenting on his appointment, Jürgen said: "It is a real privilege to be appointed as the Director of Education for the Blizard Institute from the new year. I am very grateful to have been working with and learning from Kristin; big shoes to fill. I am looking forward to supporting our education provision with Mary, other colleagues in the Blizard Institute and beyond."
We would also like to take this opportunity to once again thank Kristin for all her work and accomplishments while in the role of Director of Education since 2018. She has been a key member of the Blizard providing both leadership and mentoring to the Blizard education delivery. Both students and staff will miss her caring and enthusiastic approach.
We will advertise the role of Blizard Deputy Director of Education shortly.
Professor Mary Collins



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