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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Launch your biomedical research career with an award of up to £100k from AMS Springboard 2023

AMS Springboard application Round 9, 2023 


Message sent on behalf of Professor Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke, Deputy Institute Director (BCI) and QM Springboard Champion

Dear All,

The Academy of Medical Sciences Springboard Round 9, 2023 is now open.

These awards provide up to £100,000 over two years and a personalised package of career support to help newly independent biomedical scientists to launch their research careers. Please go to the following website to check if you are eligible to apply. Attached you can find the following documents:

Note that applicants can now be within five years (FTE) of first appointment. 

A maximum of 4 candidates can be nominated from Queen Mary. Nominations for Springboard need to be triaged through the University Springboard panel led by Springboard Champion Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke. Below you can find the full application timeline. 

Queen Mary has had an outstanding success in this funding route. I do hope that you will consider applying.

With best wishes,
Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke

24 April 2023 
Full application to be submitted for Queen Mary internal triage.
All applications will undergo eligibility checks and internal Queen Mary selection for progress to invitation to full application. All applicants are encouraged to provide a single PDF of the completed form outline including their figures and costs.  Please use and complete the application template attached. Please give yourself time for mentor feedback and for you to amend your application before this deadline. Please send your full applications to Hannah Haynes ( by 9am, 24 April 2023. Note that the name file of your PDF and the subject line of your email to Hannah, should read your surname name, initial(s) and Springboard 2023, eg Smith, A Springboard 2023.

2 May 2023 
Outcome of internal Queen Mary selection will be sent to all applicants.
Maximum of 4 selected applications from Queen Mary will be recommended to the AMS to progress to full Springboard submission by 12 noon on 2 March 2023. 

Early May 2023
Full application via FlexiGrant for selected and approved candidates is open.
Selected Springboard applicants will receive an invitation from The  Academy Medical Sciences to submit their formal application via the FlexiGrant portal online application system. 

15 June 2023 (by 4pm)
FlexiGrant online Springboard application submission deadline for all selected candidates.
All applications with completed Worktribe submissions must be provided via FlexiGrant before 4pm on 15 June 2023.

Late Feb 2024
Outcomes of AMS decisions will be released.



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