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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

LIG Seminar Series - Thursday 9 November

The BSI London Immunology Group invites you to join our next online seminar this Thursday 9 November at 1pm.


Dr Silvia Fanti will be presenting: “Circulating c-Met–Expressing Memory T Cells Define Cardiac Autoimmunity”.
Join us on Zoom following this link: 
We are excited to promote the work from Early Career Researchers and encourage discussion with other immunologists. 
The meetings take place fortnightly, on Thursdays at 1pm GMT. They are held online on zoom so you can attend from anywhere. See the attached poster for our line-up and dates:

And for more details and updates, follow us on twitter @London_immuno and @LIG_Seminar
We are very excited to see you there! 

The LIG Seminar Series Team



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