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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Message from Professor Sir Mark Caulfield, VP (Health): University funding for new equipment

I'm pleased to be able to confirm today that the Faculty has secured significant investment from the Principal's Strategic Fund to purchase a number of key pieces of equipment and underpin further cutting-edge research and education.


This will be a real boost to our ambitions to grow our research and education portfolios and help us compete in some key areas over the coming period. We're exceptionally grateful to the University for supporting us in this way, and for recognising the investment required to maintain our excellence. 

The funding amounts to ca £2.5 million and will support the following key acquisitions:

  • IHSE - Anatomical models that will support and improve the delivery of teaching to current MBBS and Physician Associate programmes and support the development of new courses.
  • Blizard Institute - Perkin Elmer Chemagen 360 for nucleic acid extractions; Illumina NextSeq 2000 for high-throughput sequencing and Cybio Flexi Liquid Handling robotics for high-throughput screens. 
  • Barts Cancer Institute - Simbionix RobotiX Mentor to support a portfolio of new postgraduate education and training programmes in robotic surgery; a new autoclave with self-steam generating system to increase resilience in the John Vane Science Centre labs;  Vxrail nodes to enable remote access to lab research equipment; RNA Hub equipment to support RNA biology and therapeutics research; and a fluorescence slide scanner for multiplex imaging.
  • William Harvey Research Institute - a Micro CT Scanner for high resolution 3D imaging; replacement biological safety cabinets for existing obsolete units; ThermoQ Mass Spectrometer for compound analysis; and enhanced confocal microscopy equipment to maintain our imaging capabilities.
  • Dentistry  - Keyence Microscopy for advanced 2D and 3D imaging of biological structures.

Importantly, a number of these pieces of equipment will support research across a range of Institutes and Groups. This is the kind of collaborative working that reflects well on the Faculty and certainly helped to make the case for new investment. I'd encourage all groups to think in this broad way as it will bring many benefits in future and increase our competitiveness.

Professor Sir Mark Caulfield, VP (Health)



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