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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Message from the President and Principal to all staff

Queen Mary University is, and has always been, an inclusive community that has traditionally come together to support each other through difficult times. 


As I explained in my message of 19 October, many students and staff within our Queen Mary community are deeply and personally affected by the events in the Middle East, and are suffering, in grief and shock, and in fear of what might happen next. I continue to ask everyone within our diverse and inclusive community to come together to support each other with compassion, understanding and empathy for others’ pain.

We are deeply concerned about the incidents described in The Times over the weekend following a letter we received late last week, particularly as many of these had not been reported to us previously. We are also concerned that these new issues have been brought to our attention in this way, rather than through our Report and Support mechanisms. We are investigating the issues raised and have published a statement in response to the Times article

I know each and every one of us is committed to ensuring everyone in our community feels safe on our campuses. I would ask anyone who doesn’t feel safe on our campuses to please reach out through your School, Institute or Professional Services Directorate or to me directly (at We do not, and will not, tolerate racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, abuse, incitement or harassment of any kind. We treat any reports of any such actions with the utmost seriousness.

Whilst we investigate in detail the new allegations raised in the press article, we urge anyone affected to report the facts of the incidents described, as soon as possible, through our
Report and Support service in order that we can take appropriate action without delay. This is a dedicated route for students and staff to report bullying, harassment and hate incidents, whether on a named or anonymous basis. We investigate all reports received through this route, including by expert staff who can provide immediate support and guidance. We also maintain an open, constructive dialogue with the relevant student societies in order to understand and respond to students’ concerns.

Some of you would have seen an open letter asking for the University to take an unacceptable position in terms of boycotting institutions. To be clear, the University’s function is not to take political positions but to support robust discussion and debate, within the bounds of the law.  However, I urge everyone again to ensure that these debates and discussions are carried out with respect and compassion. The University will always maintain interaction and communication with a wide range of universities, stakeholders, and peoples across the world. 

The culture at Queen Mary is defined and shaped by our community of staff and students, and we all have a responsibility to ensure we remain true to our University values. I would please urge you all to help in ensuring that our University remains truly inclusive, a place where everyone feels proud to belong, where we can debate difficult issues whilst respecting differing views, and where each and every one of us can flourish.

Best wishes,

Professor Colin Bailey, CBE, FREng, BEng, PhD, CEng, FICE, FIStructE, MIFireE
President and Principal



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