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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Message from the President and Principal to all students and staff: on the Middle East conflict

The Principal discusses the unfolding events in the Middle East.


Dear colleague,

We continue to be horrified by the impact on innocent civilians due to the unfolding events in the Middle East, including the terrorist attacks on Israel, the taking of civilian hostages, the military response by Israeli forces, the airstrikes and siege of Gaza, and the resulting humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Many of our Queen Mary community have been deeply and personally affected by this conflict - with some losing friends, colleagues, and loved ones - and are fearful of what might happen next.

Our focus is on supporting our community at this incredibly difficult time. Please reach out for support and please do help to ensure that all our students and staff feel supported and are aware of the wider help that is available: for more information, visit our Student Wellbeing Hub and Staff Wellbeing Hub.

I also ask that we continue to come together and support each other with compassion, understanding and empathy. It is vital that everyone feels safe on all our campuses. Of course, universities are precisely the places where very difficult and complex issues should be debated, and differing views embraced. Each of us should feel able to discuss the conflict and express our views within the law.  When expressing differing views, I hope (in line with our values) that we can think about the impact on others and treat each other with respect, recognising that many within our community have been personally affected.

We have updated our public statement on the conflict in recognition of events as they have unfolded and the impact on our students and staff. You can read our statement on our website.

Please do access our support through the links above. You can also contact me directly at

Best wishes,




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