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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Message from the Vice-Principal (Research and Innovation)

Research Highways


Earlier this year, we took our first steps towards Queen Mary’s Research Highways: five pioneering new research themes, through which we will address local and global challenges, engaging the best researchers from across our University.

Through these Research Highways, we aim to help our external partners and collaborators better understand where we have real and distinctive research excellence. By creating a focal point for internal, cross-faculty collaboration, we will be able to ask even more ambitious research questions and work together more effectively to attract the right partnership opportunities and secure the funding to answer them.

Our Research Highways are:

  •        Sustainability, environment, energy
  •        Digital, information, data
  •        Lifelong health and wellbeing
  •        Performance, communication, creative industries
  •        Accelerating innovation and invention

Over the past few months, we have been creating some fantastic new materials to bring the Research Highways concept to life, showcasing our research excellence and the global impact of our work. These launch today.

We have overhauled the research pages of our website to put Research Highways front and centre, including a new series of films featuring leading researchers from across our faculties, each with a supporting written case study. The site also features a new impact heat map: a searchable world map, showing the global reach of Queen Mary’s research.

We have also developed new tools for colleagues, including a set of slide templates for researchers to use in presentations and external engagement work, which are available now on Connected. I’m looking forward to using these with pride, along with the videos and other assets, and would urge you to do the same when talking about research at Queen Mary. Raising our profile and strengthening our reputation for research will benefit us all, and your support is vital.

As our Research Highways have developed, I have been reminded of what a special University we are. Our research excellence, coupled with our focus on inclusion, sets us apart globally.

From working with care-experienced young people, to transforming management of nuclear waste, and shaping national and international guidelines on treatment of Hepatitis C, research at Queen Mary is benefitting people, organisations and communities worldwide. It is truly something to be proud of.

I would like to thank all the researchers who have given their time to the first phase of this project: we couldn’t have done this without your involvement and support. We look forward to continuing to develop these materials to showcase more examples of our leading research and impact.

Professor Andrew Livingston
Vice-Principal (Research and Innovation)



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