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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Message from Vice Principal (Health) & Team: Staff Survey 2022 Results

Results of the Staff Survey 2022 and the road ahead


I am writing to you today to share some high level results from the recent Staff Survey for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and to explain our next steps.

The survey was completed by 69% of staff in the FMD. This gives us a strong platform on which to develop our action plans, although I would like to work with you all to improve the participation rate in future surveys so that everyone has had their voice heard.

There are some real positives to draw from the results.

I am pleased to see that the three questions for which highest positive scores were recorded indicate that:

  • Staff know what they need to do to be successful in their roles (81% positive responses);
  • Staff feel able to arrange time out of work when they need to (78%); and
  • Staff recognise that QMUL values diversity (77%)

It was also really pleasing to see that the responses to questions around teamwork and ownership were very positive (67% positive response), and this certainly reflects what I have found in terms of FMD’s staff and their approach to collaborative working. Staff were also very positive about the progress we are making towards more inclusive approaches across the Faculty around equality, diversity and inclusion (61% positive response) which reflects the outstanding commitment from all staff across the Faculty, together with the leadership of Professor Chloe Orkin and the team. I thank you all for taking this area forward with such commitment; of course there is more to be done to continue this progress over the coming period.
There are also some themes that have scored less well and that are areas we will be focusing on as we develop our action plans. These include:

  • How Queen Mary effectively directs resources (funding/people/effort) towards our strategic ambitions (31% positive response)
  • Staff reward and recognition (31% positive response)
  • Staff motivation (31% positive response)

It was also clear from the responses to questions around the physical environment that we need to improve investment in infrastructure across the FMD. In connection with this, I am pleased to be able to let you know that we have secured ca £2.5 million from the Principal's Strategic Fund for investment in our highest priority kit and equipment to support research and education across the Faculty.
The next steps will be for the results to be discussed initially with the Leadership team and further information will follow around the timeline and approach to action planning.  There will be further communication also about how you can engage in this work and I would encourage you to do so.
All Institutes now also have their results, and your Institute leadership will also be sharing some more information soon about local results.
This survey gives us important information and by working together I am sure we can deliver actions that will improve everyone’s experience in our Faculty.

Professor Sir Mark Caulfield, VP (Health)



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