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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

MRC just announced next live webinar for NIRG applicants - 13 September 2022

MRC has just announced the next live webinar for NIRG applicants or staff that are supporting NIRG applicants.


The benefit of attending the live webinar is that people can actively ask questions and build relationships with MRC Programme Managers.

If you’re thinking about applying for a NIRG or if you support NIRG applicants, you can register for our webinar on 13 September 2022 2pm to 3.30pm BST to:

  • find out more about the funding scheme
  • get tips for applying
  • have the opportunity to ask questions
  • hear from previously successful applicants.

Those interested can register here:

Register to attend the webinar (Zoom)

It is also advertised on the MRC NIRG website and MRC has also tweeted about it.

I hope this will be useful for your ECRs.

Dr Barbara Haenzi
Programme Manager Training and Careers
Medical Research Council



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