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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

MRC Mid Range Equipment Call - Round 2

JRMO welcomes applications for the MRC Equipment Opportunity to which demand management procedures apply which is a managed call by the JRMO on behalf of QMUL


MRC have capped QMUL at 3 applicants as per their Demand Management Policy. 

Further details can be found at:


The MRC EQUIP opportunity will fund mid-range equipment at a value of over £100k (inc. VAT), with an MRC contribution of between £100k and £800k, to enhance the capability of the UK research base in biomedical research within MRC’s remit.

Please note that we are bringing forward the deadline of submission of EOIs to the 15th November 2022. This is to accommodate an internal Faculty Screening of EOIs before it goes to the main University panel for consideration 

The EOIs should also address the following criteria:

  1. Cutting edge
  2. Beneficial to many researchers across the faculty
  3. Applicants to have a competitive CV


  • Deadline for EOI’s to be sent to 5.00pm on 15 November 2022  
  • Panel to meet week commencing:  November 28 2022 
  • Announcement of winners:  Shortly after 
  • If selected, full application submission to MRC: Deadline - 4.00pm January 12 2023

To apply: 

  • Expressions of Interest EOI’s should consist of: 
  • CV (Max 2 sides of A4)
  • Summary to including:
    • General Technology Type: 
    • Specific Technology Type: 
    • Brand Name and Model 
    • Expected Equipment Cost and expected contribution sought from MRC: 
  • Describe the equipment requested including key features and why this model has been chosen (max 150 words)
  • Describe the research that will be carried out using the proposed equipment (max 150 words)
  • Draft Worktribe costings*

  • Please note if you want to request for match-funding you will need to complete the RCIF bid document and submit with your EOI.

To improve diversity in the panel considering demand managed calls and to provide researchers with the most relevant feedback, we have established a new Demand Management College, made up of expert researchers from across Queen Mary and chaired by Professor Alison Blunt, Deputy Vice Principal for Impact (Culture, Civic and Community). The College members reviewing this application will be confirmed in due course. 

Please note JRMO will not accept multiple documents per single application.   

Your application, if successful must be submitted on the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) System. 

Any questions please refer to your Faculty Research Manager/Research Contact or me.   


Maria Rhodes
Office Manager & PA
Joint Research Management Office – Research Services
Dept W | 68-89 Mile End Road | London | E1 4UJ  (020) 7882 7250                                             



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