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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

MS Society - Data Discovery Awards Funding Opportunity

Are you interested in researching Multiple Sclerosis risk factors?


The MS Society Data Discovery Awards are now open for applications

The UK MS Register is a valuable piece of research infrastructure funded by the MS Society. We launched the Data Discovery Awards to simulate the use of Register data support the building of data science capability amongst the UK MS research Community.

Project Award Scope

Our Data Discovery Awards provide support for research projects designed to increase our understanding of MS risk factors. We hope these will provide a more combined approach to assess someone’s risk of developing MS and ultimately help us to develop new preventative strategies.

Your application must include use of data from the UK MS Register either alone or in combination with existing data sets.

You should directly address one of the following aims:

  1. Uncover new risk factors for developing MS
  2. Further characterise known MS risk factors in a way that will take us forward towards preventative strategies
  3. Increase our understanding of modifiable risk factors and comorbidities that influence MS progression

These awards are for up to £50,000 for up to 12 months in duration.

We encourage both early career and established Researchers to apply.

Project Awards Round key dates:

  • Applications open: January 2023
  • Deadline for Lay Summary development: Tuesday 28th February
  • Deadline for applications: Wednesday 26th April 2023
  • Funding outcome: August 2023
  • Earliest Award start: December 2023

You can find more information on our Data Discovery Awards, including eligibility criteria and Applicant Guidance, on our Funding page. You can also email our Research Programme Manager, Dr Beth Grimsey, with any questions.



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