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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Neuroscience Seminar Series: Dr Francesco Boato


Date: Tuesday 24 January, 10.30am-11.30am

Venue: Spikey, MS Teams | Join the meeting Meeting ID: 376 089 390 882 Passcode: dwxaX7

Speaker: Dr Francesco Boato, Postdoctoral Fellow, Van Aelst Lab, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Title: Restoring lost connectivity after CNS injury

Dear All,

This is the second event in a new series of guest speakers, hosted by the Centre for Neuroscience Surgery and Trauma.


My work focuses on the study of repair and regeneration after CNS injury. Restoring lost function after CNS injuries is one of the major challenges of contemporary neuroscience. Functional deficits after such injuries are primarily due to a disruption of axonal connections. Thus, regeneration of the severed axons in order to re-establish the disrupted connections is needed to promote functional recovery after injury. In order to repair the damaged tracts, the injured neurons need to recover the capacity for intrinsic growth (typical of developing neurons) initiating regenerative growth. Throughout my entire career I gave special emphasis to translational approaches and the development of techniques to genetically engineer damaged neurons to induce regeneration and repair neuronal circuits to ultimately study functional synaptogenesis after CNS injury.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 376 089 390 882

Passcode: dwxaX7

Please contact Jyoti Salhan ( for more information. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Please look out for more information on future speakers coming soon.



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