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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

New personal lockers now available for use - instructions for how to set your new locker code


The locks have now been installed on the personal allocated lockers, and they are now ready to be used. Your Centre Manager should have allocated you a locker number. This is your personal locker to use to store personal or work items, and replaces the previous purpose of the overhead lockers (which should now remain free and unlocked to be used by anyone who has booked the desk on that day).

Before you use your personal locker, you will need to set a code for the lock. Please follow the instructions below and attached on how to do this (please note the instructions are also printed on the inside of the locker doors):

  1. On first use, your locker will be set to the default code of 2244 and the door will be open
  2. To set your new code, rotate the lock to the right to release the small code change button on the right
  3. Hold down the code change button and rotate the numbers to your new chosen code. Then release the code change button. Your code it now set
  4. Close the locker door and rotate the lock to the left to lock the door
  5. Scramble the code so that it cannot be opened again
  6. When you want to unlock the door, move the numbers to the code you set previously and rotate the lock to the right

We advise you to do all of the above steps up to number 4 without shutting the door at first, to test that it works correctly and to avoid accidentally locking yourself out. If you accidentally lock yourself out, or ever forget your personal locker code, your Centre Manager has a master key which they can use to access the locker. You should then reset your code.

If you have any questions, please contact your Centre Manager.



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