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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

New Policy available on MetaCompliance - please action

You will have received an email yesterday from MetaCompliance stating that you have a new Policy available.


Please note that this is not a phishing attempt and is in fact a genuine update which you should read. Please see message below from IT Services and action at your earliest convenience:

Message from IT Services

IT Services are publishing a new Information Security & Acceptable Use Policy. The objective of this new policy is to ensure that all employees with access to QMUL’s information resources, IT systems and services understand the rules and their responsibilities when using, accessing or interacting with these resources, whether provided by central IT or by any other department of QMUL. 

This policy will supersede DG29 Acceptable Use of IT Policy, DG20 Access to and Use of Email Policy, DG18 Password Management Policy and Secure Desk Working Policy. The policy is mandatory for all staff to read and agree to and will be published through MetaCompliance, the platform used for Cyber Security and GDPR training.

All staff will receive an email from MetaCompliance informing them that they have a new policy to read. These emails contain a safe link to the Queen Mary space on the MetaCompliance platform. The email will contain a blue button with the wording 'MyCompliance Cloud Login', once this is clicked it will open the login page to the MetaCompliance platform. Colleagues will need to sign in with their Queen Mary email address and click 'Next'. If Office 365 is already signed in, it will go straight to the policy content. If not, then users will be asked to enter their Queen Mary password.

The policy will take around 15 minutes to read. Once colleagues have finished reading there is a button at the end of the document to click which says, ‘I have read and understood’. Please ensure that you click the button as this will be recorded for audit purposes.  We appreciate that staff are extremely busy at this time, however it is essential that all staff take some time out of their busy schedule to read and accept this policy.




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