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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

New Research Ethics online application system QMEthics launches today

Message sent on behalf of the Joint Research Management Office


We are delighted to announce the launch of “QMEthics” - the new application system that will make applying for non-NHS ethics approval quicker and easier. The dynamic application form utilises filter questions to ensure only those questions specific to your research study appear. The system enables correspondence between applicants and the QMERC Facilitators; the ability to track a project throughout its lifecycle; a comprehensive audit trail and reporting features.

All Heads of Departments and student supervisors will need to activate their account by logging in and updating their personal details.

The Research Ethics team will host hybrid drop-in sessions on Tuesdays 11.30am - 12.30pm. Click here to join the meeting or visit us in Dept W, first floor sofa room. 

For more information visit our website.

The Research Ethics team can be contacted at  



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