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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

New student platform for reporting missed education activities

This communication is to let you know of a new university wide initiative available to all students to provide them with a single platform to report missed education activities.


Very occasionally, a lecture, seminar or other educational activity has to be cancelled because the educator leading the session can’t make it: for example, because they are unwell, or run into travel problems etc. These issues are normally handled locally within Institutes, and the education is made up in a timely manner and communicated locally to students.

In order for us to enhance our quality assurance procedures, the University has developed an online form for students to report educational activity that does not take place at the scheduled date and time.

The university is introducing this initiative in order to ensure that Queen Mary is compliant with its responsibilities and ability to report accurately under consumer protection law and to the Competition and Markets Authority UK higher education providers – advice on consumer protection law (

Our commitments are set out in the Conditions for Registration with the Office for Students, and in particular conditions B1-B5 Conditions of registration - Office for Students. Similar reporting forms for students are in place at other UK universities and this will help us to identify areas where we need to support our teachers more.

In order for us to manage the additional work associated with this new initiative, Within FMD, the forms will be received initially by the VP Health Office and a point of contact will be agreed for each Institute for referral if required. We envisage in the majority of instances students will have already received a message from the school and no follow up action will be required.

The form will operate within Microsoft Forms, and students will need to log in with their Queen Mary user account in order to complete it. This will ensure that student details such as email addresses are accurately recorded. Students will be sent a link and QR code to the form today. You can access the form via this link  with single sign on:

Professor Sir Mark Caulfield, VP (Health)



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