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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Perrin LT IT upgrades


Dear Institute Managers and Education Managers, 

I am writing to let you know that over August upgrades will be taking place in Perrin LT in the Blizard Building, Whitechapel Campus, in preparation for the next academic year.

These upgrades include enhancing both the audio and visual equipment in the room (additional ceiling microphones and cameras are being installed, large display screens x 3 with one capable of electronic whiteboard functionality for MME teaching, and a new touchscreen on the lectern). To view all of the equipment available in this room please see the column titled Large room size, level 3 on the table on this webpage.

These upgrades will enhance the rooms MME function to Level 3 which means it will be capable of full hybrid teaching (including capturing when members of the audience speak, the viewing of remote participants in room on the large display screen and the sharing of an electronic whiteboard with remote participants by the educator).

Please do pass this information onto educators who use the space as required and do reach out if you have any further questions at all.

Many thanks,


Beth Prescott
Faculty Relationship Manager (Medicine and Dentistry)



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