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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

PGR Students - QMUL Postgraduate Research Fund and Doctoral College Initiative Fund

FAO: Blizard PGR Students and Supervisors


Dear PGR Students, 

We are currently accepting applications for the next round of QMUL’s Postgraduate Research Fund (PGRF) and Doctoral College Initiative Fund (DCIF). 

  • The PGRF is open to all postgraduate research students at QMUL and is available for overseas research and to support opportunities for students to present their research at an external conference/research meeting of international standing.
  • The DCIF is designed to support and promote creative and imvaginative activities organised by postgraduate research students which will enhance their research experience, intellectual and/or professional development. 

Please read the guidelines and note the following criteria for applications: 

  • For this round only, any funding allocated must be spent by 01 March 2024 
  • If a student has previously been awarded money from either scheme, they will not be awarded again for that scheme as priority is given to applicants who have not been awarded before. 
  • Applicants must demonstrate an attempt to obtain external funding, even if the application was unsuccessful. The Panel would like a full narrative from the applicant explaining the external funding sources that they explored, who they applied to, or if they did not apply, they need to explain why not. The student should get their supervisor to confirm this in their supporting statement. 
  • Applications will only be considered when accompanied by proof of travel costs (please provide supporting docs as jpeg or pdf). Travel and accommodation costs must be derived from information provided by QMUL’s travel partners e.g. Key Travel. Your Centre Manager/Administrator can provide assistance with this. If relevant, please also provide an acceptance letter/ email from the conference body or evidence of application – if participation has not yet been confirmed. 
  • No retrospective awards can be made (so you cannot claim for a trip that is due to take place before the date of the panel meeting on 29 November 2023). If your application IS retrospective, you will need to provide an explanation of why you did not apply in an earlier round
  • A maximum application of £2,000 can be requested for fieldwork and accessing training, facilities or equipment not available at QMUL, and for which no other sources of funding are available. A maximum application of £1,000 can be requested for presenting at a conference/research meeting of international standing. There is no minimum application threshold. 

Full information for both schemes together with application forms and guidelines (updated as of March 2022) can be found here:  

If you would like to apply, please submit your application together with supporting documentation to Molly Ramalhoso ( by Wednesday 29 October 2023

Molly Ramalhoso
Research Administrator



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