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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Please support the student-led Queen Mary Education Awards by submitting nominations

Message from Charlie Sellar, BLSA President: "Please help us make the next Queen Mary Education Awards a success by submitting a nomination"


Dear All,

Over the past year I have focused much of my work on creating spaces for collaboration between students I represent and staff who work with me on a day-to-day basis. This is crucial work which covers almost all areas of activity across Queen Mary and I want to ensure that those who went the extra mile to foster change are recognised for their work.

This is why I want to ask you to take part in the upcoming Queen Mary Education Awards by submitting nominations.

These awards are organised and led by students, aiming to spotlight amazing contributions made by student representatives and teaching staff. Full details of the awards can be found on the following page and nominations can be made until midday on 1 April.

It has been a challenging year in many ways, and I am very proud of the way our staff and student bodies have worked together to support our education activity. Please help us recognise those who made this possible by submitting a nomination.

With best wishes,

Charlie Sellar, President of Barts and The London Students' Association (BLSA)

Full award details

A message from Professor Anthony Warrens, Dean for Education:

"I want to echo Charlie and encourage everyone to submit nominations for the Queen Mary Education Awards. It is crucial that w support these student-led awards and that staff and student reps who go the extra mile on their behalf are recognised for their efforts.

- Anthony"



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