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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Postdoc Opportunity - antiviral RNA binding proteins

I am looking to recruit a postdoc in my group, and I would really appreciate if you could distribute this email amongst your contacts/potentially interested candidates.


I am seeking to recruit a molecular biologist with interest in understanding the role of RNA-binding proteins in antiviral defence. The post will involve performing state-of the-art techniques to decipher novel roles for human antiviral proteins. Ideally, the candidate will have a strong background in molecular biology and biochemistry, in addition to computational data analyses skills of -omics data. The host lab will train the candidate in virology, and specific biochemical techniques if required.

The candidate will join a multi-skilled lab working on different aspect of antiviral defence, including the role of RNA-binding proteins and non-coding RNA (including transposable elements) in the control of the antiviral response in mammals. The lab uses different cellular models, including mouse and human embryonic stem cells to also study how these processes are regulated during mammalian development. The host lab can also offer training in gene editing and virology if required.
For more information,

Sara Macias, PhD
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow
Institute of Immunology and Infection Research
The University of Edinburgh
The King's Buildings, Ashworth Laboratories
Charlotte Auerbach Road

+44 (0)131 650 7014



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