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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

QM Postgraduate Research Fund (PGRF) and Doctoral College Initiative Fund (DCIF): 1 June 2023

Just a little reminder about the QM Postgraduate Research Fund (PGRF) and the Doctoral College Initiative Fund (DCIF).


Please note the part highlighted in bold italics.  The Panel really want a full narrative about applicants’ attempts to secure external funding (I have amended the form to reflect this).

As usual, students applying to either fund must submit their application to their School/Institute.  You can set your own internal deadline for receipt of applications but it's usually a week or so before the central deadline.  You'll need to get sign-off from your DGS and collate and submit all complete applications to me by Thurs 1 June 2023 via the email: The Panel meeting is in the week commencing Monday 3 July 2023.

For this round only, please note the following:  any funding allocated must be spent by 31 October 2023.

In previous sessions, we received applications totalling well over double the amount we had to allocate, so we really had to prioritise.  This academic session, there has been a cut in the budget and so the Panel has to be even more rigorous in its assessment of applications.  Therefore, could you remind your students of the following:

1.   If a student has been awarded money before from either scheme, they will not be awarded again for that scheme as priority is given to applicants who have not been awarded before.

2.   Applicants must demonstrate an attempt to obtain external funding - even if the application was unsuccessful.  The Panel would like a full narrative from the applicant explaining the external funding sources that they explored, who they applied to or, if they did not apply, they need to explain why not.  The student should get their supervisor to confirm this in the supporting statement.  NB.  the FMD travel grant is not considered external funding.

3.  No retrospective awards can be made (so they cannot claim for an event that is due to take place before the date of the Panel meeting). 

Information for both schemes together with application forms and guidelines (updated as of March 2022) are located here:

Do remember to forward this email to your DGS so that they are aware.

Any enquiries about the schemes to me on

Lucie Dubinik
Research Degrees Officer



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