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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

QMUL mapping of climate and environment-related work

The Wolfson Institute's Climate Group at QMUL is conducting a mapping of climate and environment-related work that goes on across the University. 


This can be work of any kind related to climate change, sustainability, the environment, biodiversity etc, and we are particularly interested in climate work with a link to health. This can be work at any level - within the University, locally, globally. It may be research, teaching, policy engagement, activism, or committee work. The purpose of this mapping is to allow us to more effectively collaborate and create partnerships on climate-related teaching, research and/or grant applications. We are interested in hearing from people at all career stages and from all career roles. 

You can help us with this work in two ways;

  • Firstly, please could you complete this form  to help us map out the work going on across the University that relates to climate change, environment, and sustainability
  • Secondly, please also flag to us if there is anyone in your department that you already know is involved in climate/environment-related work and we will contact them directly for more details

Thanks very much for your help with this.

Natasha on behalf of the WIPH Climate Group
Natasha O’Sullivan (, Research Assistant at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health (WIPH).



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