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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Queen Mary Impact Fund - Call for Applications (Autumn 2023 and Spring 2024)

We're excited to announce the relaunch of the Queen Mary Impact Fund (QMIF) following an extensive stakeholder engagement and redesign.


Please do feel free to circulate this call to colleagues, peers and teams who might be interested to engage with QMIF.


QMIF is offering three funding streams: 

  • Exploratory Impact Awards (£5,000 to £10,000): For testing ideas, planning impact journeys, generating early-stage impacts, and supporting small-scale projects.
  • Impact Project Awards (£10,000 to £20,000): Designed to build on exploratory awards, these support new innovative ideas with specific deliverables.
  • Impact Accelerator Awards (£20,000 to £50,000 per project, £100,000 exceptional cases): Aimed at projects with clear commercial or societal opportunities and a route to market. These can foster relationships with enabling partners and investors. 

We encourage seeking match funding from project partners where possible.  

How to Apply?  

To start with the process, you will need to submit a short ‘intention to apply’ email to with the following information: 

  •     Overview of your idea and the research it builds on
  •     Intended impacts
  •     Partners involved
  •     Likely size of funding requested

Following this step, you will need to meet with your Faculty Impact Officer and the broader teams that support Knowledge Exchange to discuss if you can proceed to prepare and submit an application.


For detailed information on the application process, eligibility, and how to start, please refer to the Guidance on our QMIF page. 

When to Apply? 

For Impact Projects (£10k - £20k) or Impact Accelerator Awards (£20k - £50k), you can submit applications for either Autumn 2023 or Spring 2024 window: 

  • Autumn 2023: The deadline to apply is November 20, 2023.  
            Panel sessions will take place during mid-December 2023.  
            Applicants will be notified of outcomes during the first week of January 2024
  • Spring 2024: The deadline to apply is February 5, 2024.  
            Panel sessions will take place during weeks of April 1st and 8th 2024  
            Applicants will be notified of outcomes during the week of April 15 2024 
  • For applications to Exploratory Impact Awards (£5 - £10k), the call is open throughout the academic year.

The Impact Fund is highly competitive, and we have more projects than we are able to support. We are committed to supporting as many projects as we can, and strongly encourage all prospective applicants to approach their faculty impact officer for a conversation, so we can discuss how best to support your project and to enable you to submit the strongest possible application.

Impact Team



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