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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Queen Mary Impact Fund - Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI)

The Queen Mary Impact Fund (QMIF) is now open for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to support impact projects.


Call for EOI – Spring Window

We are keen to support projects leading to a wide range of impact including economic/commercial, social, cultural/arts, health, environmental, and policy/legal.

You can apply to the following two streams: 

  • Small Stream: up to £10,000 per project
  • Large Stream: with an indicative maximum of up to £50,000 per project 

Deadline for submission of EOI’s is 5pm on Tuesday 14 March 2023. Call for applications for the Autumn window will open in August 2023.

QMIF Spring 2023 timeline [PDF 165KB]


Applications should be submitted on this online EOI Form. Guidance notes and the EOI form can be found on the link.

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their projects with a member of the impact team. If applicants wish to receive detailed feedback on their EOI form by the Impact Team, they will need to send a draft to by 27 February.

If you would like to discuss or need further information, please contact Varant Kurkjian, IAA Officer, at



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