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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Queen Mary now has a Multi Study Licence to access data from CPRD

CPRD (Clinical Practice Research Datalink) is a longitudinal dataset of 60 million patients, representative of the UK population.


It contains data from primary care health records which can be linked to a range of other health-related data. Queen Mary now has a Multi Study Licence, which enables staff and PhD students to access the data for approved studies at a reduced cost. The licence is funded by Barts Charity until 2027 as part of the Precision Health: Population Health Data Science research programme, jointly led by the Clinical Effectiveness Group in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, and Barts Cancer Institute. More information about CPRD is available on the Clinical Effectiveness Group website. Join the upcoming webinar on Monday 20 November to hear from colleagues who are already using CPRD data, and to find out more about the Multi Study Licence.



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