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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Recruitment Now Open for MRC Doctoral Training Partnership in Translational Biomedical Sciences

We are pleased to announce that the new MRC Doctoral Training Partnership in Translational Biomedical Sciences with the University of Southampton is now recruiting students for a Sept/Oct 2023 start. 


 If interested you can find the advert below.

Four-year funded integrated PhDs in Translational Biomedical Sciences

In February a broad panel of PIs from across FMD will be selecting only the very best students whose academic performance, work experience and references identify them as being of the highest calibre for undertaking PhDs.

Thanks to the generosity of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry who co-fund our MRC-DTP Programme, this year we will be offering four x 4year MRes/PhD studentships AND two x  4 year iCASE PhD studentships.  We therefore are NOW calling for projects for both the DTP and the iCASE schemes (you may apply for both schemes simultaneously provided you do not have a student in that scheme who finishes 2023 onwards).

Please can you develop your ideas for a rotation project and PhD project for the MRes/PhD studentships or develop with your commercial partner a project that could be for the iCASE studentships (who do 4 years PhD full-time). We attach the relevant forms that you must complete and submit in the new year; feel free to submit them early if you wish to. For iCASE I attach guidance as to the MINIMUM your sponsor must be able to deliver.  If your experiments are expensive I do recommend you discuss larger lab consumables budget for yourselves as the MRC consumables budget remains at £5000. Junior PIs who have not supervised PhD students are encouraged strongly to apply but to choose an experienced PI as your secondary supervisor.

Remember you can, if you wish, and with your commercial partners approval, include your iCASE idea as a Rotation/PhD project proposal in the standard MRes/PhD programme.  If the student chooses your project for a PhD after their MRes, you could then turn it into a 3 year iCASE at that point.

Deadline for proposals (both DTP and iCASE) is Monday Feb 27 2023.
We look forward to hearing from you in the New Year.  Merry Christmas!

John, Katiuscia, Paul and Adam



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