The QM Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FMD) is working on the preparation of the next REF 2028 submission.
As part of this process, the Blizard Institute is building up a database of potential impact case studies to be reviewed later on therefore we would be very interested in hearing from you.
Also, we would be very keen to hear about any early impact case studies as well. Indeed, please do not hesitate to share with us your early research impact(s) as we may be able to help out with their development.
We thank you very much in advance for your contribution and remain at your disposal should you need any further information.
Professor William Alazawi MA(Cantab) MB BChir PhD FRCPProfessor of HepatologyDirector of Research
Professor Silvia Marino, MD, FRCPathProfessor of NeuropathologyAcademic Lead for Impact