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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

REMINDER: FAO Academic Staff: QS and THE academic and employer survey nominations

This is an important reminder for all academic colleagues to action the request below as soon as possible, and before the deadline of midday on Thursday 15 December. Please return your completed spreadsheets including nominee names and contact permissions to Carlos De Oliveira (



The University has requested that we compile a list of potential colleagues who can complete a brief survey for us, which will improve our rankings in the QS and Times Higher Education reputation surveys. This is very important to us in terms of determining Queen Mary’s overall position in their World University Rankings and is of strategic importance for Queen Mary. 

The Faculty has been set a hard target of at least 200 academic names (research active) overall. We are also expected to compile a similar list for an Employer Survey. We also need to collect as many of these names as possible. 

ACTION: We are requesting your assistance to contact any external academic colleagues or employer contacts you may have to ask if they would be willing to complete this survey. Please use the attached spreadsheets when providing your list of confirmed contacts along with their permission to be included. 

The deadline for returning your nominations is midday on Thursday 15 December 2022. 

The attached word document contains some templates which might be helpful when contacting your colleagues. Please see the criteria below for who we are trying to target: 

Criteria for Academic Survey: 

  • External academic contacts that might vote for Queen Mary in your subject area.
  • Don’t worry if you have nominated them before. Unless they have voted in the past 2 years, they will no longer be in the QS database due to GDPR*.
  • Ideally, a focus on post-docs and other recent Queen Mary PhDs (who are more likely to vote for us instinctively), but any level of seniority is fine.
  • Ideally, a majority of international, but not to the exclusion of good UK nominations. Spread across geographies, perhaps less of a focus on China and Australia.
  • We must get permission from each contact to: (1) submit their data to QS and (2) hold their data at Queen Mary for the purposes of sharing news and information.

Criteria for Employer Survey: 

  • Contacts in businesses that we have links with.
  • Must be at a managerial level – they will be asked if they have “hiring responsibilities”.
  • Can be any business size – from SME to multi-national.
  • We can submit multiple contacts from the same company, but a spread across companies in beneficial.
  • Votes from UK and international businesses count equally. However, currently we receive more international votes, so more UK nominations would be helpful.

We greatly appreciate your timely assistance with this. 

Professor Mary Collins
Blizard Institute Director

* For GDPR purposes, QS remove details of any contact in either database that hasn’t completed the survey in the past two years. With survey completion rates consistently under 2%, it is therefore likely that many of the names we have previously submitted are no longer in the database.



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