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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

REMINDER: MB BS OSCE Examiner Recruitment

For Y1 & Y2 OSCEs May/June



Please be aware that examiners are required for our upcoming MBBS OSCE examinations. We are particularly short of examiners for Year 2 OSCEs on Tuesday 6 June and Thursday 8 June.

The criteria for examining is as follows:

  • Doctors and nurses must be currently registered with their respective regulatory body.  
  • However, if a retired healthcare professional has taught on the MBBS or PA course this year, they are eligible to examine.
  • Non-clinical PhD students or FY1s are NOT eligible to examine in any part of the OSCE.
  • Non-clinical academics are only eligible to examine in Years 1 & 2.
  • FY2s and PAs can examine MBBS Years 1, 2 and 3. If you are a PA with a paid contract with the school then you are welcome to examine in any year group.

If you graduated from QMUL/Barts with MBBS within the past five years or MSc PA in the last two years, you are NOT eligible to examine. However if you wish to support the OSCE in other ways, please contact the Assessment Unit at

If you are eligible we’d be grateful if you could complete the relevant form below, specifying your capacity. Once the form is submitted, you will receive an automated reply – please take this as a firm confirmation of your offer. If you have already been contacted by your institute, please respond to that email instead.

All OSCE stations will take place in person at the Robin Brook Centre, Barts.

Our priority are the Year 1 OSCEs which take place on Tuesday 23 May and Year 2 OSCEs on 6 and 8 June, although help with any of the sessions is greatly appreciated:

There is also a separate form for the use of the Trust, GPs and other colleagues –

The final deadline for signing up to Year 1 OSCEs is MONDAY 24 APRIL.

For all other OSCE exams, please sign up by mid May/early June.

The success of the examinations is very much dependent on the examiners and we hope you will be able to examine for us. We understand the commitment which this will entail but we know that you will appreciate the importance of our involving as many examiners as possible to maintain the high standard of these examinations.

If you have never attended one of our OSCE Examiner Training sessions or have any queries, please email

Lisa Lewis
Assessment Unit Administrator (GEP)



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