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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Reminder: Personal Appraisal and Development 2022

The annual Personal Appraisal and Development season began in May and runs through to November. 


Completing an Appraisal is mandatory unless you are a member of clinical staff or are on probation.

It is important that we find the time to have good quality conversations to celebrate our achievements, acknowledge the challenges we have faced, and consider ways we can support each other to do our best work. These Appraisal conversations are an opportunity for you to reflect, think about your development and what you aim to achieve in your role over the coming year. It’s also a chance to work with your manager to identify what support you might need to reach your goals.

Discussions around development are a hugely important part of the Appraisal process. If you are an appraiser/manager, please make time for discussions around development. There’s guidance available on how to have these discussions on the website

Professor Mary Collins 



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